Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Jiri Kolar

Here is another set of presentations
about Jiri Kolar, his life and work and a personal analysis of a poem.

Zoé Frammery

Pauline Cuirot

Emma d'Hoine

Alice Chive

Agathe Lavigne  in three parts

Friday, February 22, 2019

Jiri Kolar

As a part of our 1968 project, we have been studying dissident artists, poets and writers.
One artist/poet that we have been studying is Jiri Kolar.
Each student is presenting his biography, an explanation of poetry and visual poetry
 and their own personal analysis of a chosen visual poem.

Maeva Doisneau

Luce Valade

Jade Blanc

Arthur Roulier

Manon Escalant